Lumla Bodong
Nunnery & Home for Girls

A Safe Haven
The Lumla Bodong Nunnery/Home for Girls is a shelter, ensuring that young girls have a safe home with daily meals and a place to sleep. The facility was built in 2014, in an effort to offer a sustainable solution for girls living in remote areas to be able to attend the government school in Lumla village. The Government Residential School of Melonghar, New Lumla, provides them with a state recognised academic curriculum at primary and secondary school level. Tara Bodong's collaboration with the Government Residential School allows us to accommodate as many deserving girls as possible at our facility. We work closely with the teachers at the School who are also members of our local Tara Bodong committee. They provide local supervision and day to day guidance to our two house-mothers who live with the girls and provide for their daily care.
At the Lumla Bodong Nunnery/ Home for Girls, the girls receive remedial teaching and lessons in arts and craft, and physical hygiene. There are dormitories, a classroom, kitchen and living area. There is also a small vegetable garden and a chicken run. The facility is currently home to 21 girls. Each girl is a individually sponsored, and the cost of maintenance and utilities is met through fund raising activities organised by the Tara Bodong Foundation throughout the year.
“Our goal is to create opportunities for girls by providing modern education in the Lumla area. Students should feel a strong commitment to serve their communities. The aim is to become resourceful women in their own locality - as teachers, social and health care workers and mentors. By being taught in the Bodong Tradition of Buddhism, which is a traditional practice in the area, they girls will help to revitalise their religious and cultural heritage.” - Siri Weirum - co-founder, Tara Bodong.
Most of the Lumla inhabitants belong to the Monpa group, which originated in Tibet. Many girls belong to nomadic families and must travel a long way to get to school. Transportation is unreliable or non-existent and there are many child predators along the route. Older girls help in agriculture, the younger ones look after their siblings and the household. Having a safe place close to school, where they can sleep and receive warm meals, makes a huge difference to every girl we can help.

Aims & Objectives
Provide a sound and secure environment for the girls, with emphasis on love, compassion and good health practices.
Provide access to education within the context of their Buddhist cultural and philosophical heritage.
Assist the students to become self-reliant, contributing members of their communities and the world at large.
Be financially sustainable by securing general sponsorship for the institution, as well as a sponsorship program where the needs of each girl are met by an individual sponsor.