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My Voice, Our Equal Future - International Day of the Girl 2020

October 11 is International Day of The Girl Child and the theme is My Voice, Our Equal Future. This special day, which was first proclaimed in 2011 by the United Nations, recognises the monumental changes and developments in the rights of girls, as well as the significant and necessary awareness of the unique and pressing challenges millions of young girls face around the world today. The right to a healthy life, with equitable treatment and access to basic needs, should be given to each and every adolescent girl, but equality is

not always forthcoming, especially when it comes to girls' education around the world and their prospective chances of achieving financial success.

At the Tara Bodong Foundation, we believe education should be a right for every child, whether a boy, girl or non-binary. This is what drives our work forward and has motivated us since we began this project almost ten years ago! Since then we have been working with local communities to improve the lives of people in the remote Himalayan regions of northern India. Read more in our newsletter .


Tara Bodong (Netherlands) gives young girls a chance at education in Lumla, Arunachal Pradesh, NE India. 


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