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Tara Bodong in the news

18 October 2012 – Buy a tulip, help a girl. Maria Foley of Global Connection, an independent international expat partner support and research organisation,  interviewed Cecilie Weirum Stuyvenberg and Deborah Biggs of the Tara Bodong foundation (Netherlands) about their activities on the UN’s first International Day of the Girl.

July/August – A Road Less Travelled. When Siri Weirum, a Norwegian lady, took early retirement from her job as manager at Oslo’s Red Cross, who would have thought she would travel half way across the world to help people less fortunate than herself. Read about how Siri met Pema Dorjee and found her mission in life.

12 June 2012 – Children Without Chances. It’s not every day that one gets the chance to meet a Tibetan Lama but when one does the simplest of lessons can make a lasting impression. Geshe Pema Dorjee a small grey haired man dressed in traditional Buddhist attire entered the British School of Amsterdam (BSA) with a warm smile on his face as he held out his hand to greet us. Within moments the compassion and warmth of this man who gives his life to helping people less fortunate than us, could be felt by all. How lucky for us to have the opportunity to meet such a kind-hearted person who wanted to share with the children of the BSA the Concepts of Tibetan Buddhism, how we can train our minds to choose happiness and how to handle life’s challenges. This unique man shared the importance of friendships, to remember that everyone has something unique and special, that we are all equal, how we should think positive and try to minimize jealousy and not to perceive a problem as too big that you cannot find a solution.

11 May 2012 – Bodong Nunnery Project: a school for girls in Lumla, India. A project dedicated to breaking the cycle of illiteracy, lack of education, poverty, poor hygiene and disease for girls suffering in the remote villages of the Himalayan region. Geshe Pema Dorjee, a Buddhist Lama, who is currently running 13 humanitarian projects in the Himalayan region, initiated this project in cooperation with Siri Weirum from Norway and Stichting Tara Bodong in the Netherlands.

23 April 2012 – Fedde is Listening. Do no harm, help others, compassion, loving kindness … the themes keep recurring. A very learned man was in the Netherlands recently: the Buddhist professor – Geshe Pema Dorjee, who, amongst other things, is involved in various charity projects. The first time I heard him speak, and met him, he was a guest lecturer in a class at Leiden University. In the academic waters he sailed well with an informative and detailed lecture about his work on the nearly extinct Tibetan Bodong tradition. Almost a week later he was back in Leiden, in the Museum of Ethnology, where he gave three lectures on one afternoon. This time his tone was very personal once more – admitting his uncertainty about what he should say – and lively. Anecdotes and personal examples made his words tangible.

19 March 2012 – (Dutch only) Pema Dorjee Bezoekt British School.Hij wordt ook wel ‘vader Theresa’ genoemd door zijn tomeloze inzet voor kansarme kinderen en mensen in nood. De Tibetaanse lama, Geshe Pema Dorjee, één van de rechterhanden van de Dalai Lama, was in Nederland om fondsen te werven voor zijn humanitaire projecten en bezocht vorige week de British School in de Fred Roeskestraat. Hij sprak daar met leerlingen over de verschillende facetten van het Tibetaanse Boeddhisme. Ook vroeg hij aandacht voor zijn laatste goede doel: de Bodong Nunnery Project, een school voor meisjes uit Lumla, een afgelegen dorp in het noordoosten van India.


Tara Bodong (Netherlands) gives young girls a chance at education in Lumla, Arunachal Pradesh, NE India. 


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