Updated: Jul 9

We are committed to accepting new students and also to the building of a retaining wall and installation of a fence to protect the vegetable garden from cows and other animals. Your financial help would be worthwhile and very appreciated. If you have been thinking of ways in which to do so or possibly joining our committee or board please contact us. We would love to hear from you.
December 2018- This was a very eventful year for Tara Bodong: Our board member Elizabeth and her niece Debbie visited the Bodong Nunnery/Girl’s School in April and came back with a lot of stories and important information that will help us tremendously with our work.
Here are some of the major milestones from 2018:
Four new girls arrived in November, bringing the total number of girls to 19! Each girl is individually sponsored, and for this we are grateful and thank you from the bottom of our hearts!The home received its first (and only) computer with scanner and printer. This will make it easier to send regular updates and school reports. It will also make it easier for Pema Deki (House Mother) to prepare her monthly financial reports, which she sends to Tara Bodong Netherlands, together with copies of all invoices and receipts. The home received additional bunk beds, which now increases the sleeping capacity to 24 girls.
December 2017- It is always a heartwarming and surprising experience to follow up on the previous year’s fundraising achievements. So much of the time is taken in planning on new ways of financing our school in Lumla, to keep our sponsors and supporters motivated as well as continuing with our tried and true successful events. Below is a summary of last year’s efforts.
We brought in the new year with our Champagne party on Jan 28. It was a new date for our annual party and was once again, a lot of fun for well over 100 guests.The Sing Out Choir, a wonderful A-cappella group of Het Gooi generously supported us by donating a large portion of their profits from 2 concerts, one in June, the other in December.
In October we were asked to participate for the first time, in the Roland Holst College “ Goededoelen Markt”. This is a school fair where all the students of one year choose from presentations by 9 charities who they would like to raise awareness and funds for. Seven groups of students chose us and by doing so introduced Tara Bodong to a whole new group of possible supporters and through their efforts raised over 800 Euros. We are very thankful for their efforts and also extremely pleased to be invited back in the foreseeable future.Our last event of 2017 was our Diamond Fizz Party in December. Two champagne parties in one year! Such fun, new faces, new venue and a good party to end the year.
In closing, we want to thank all of our families and friends who have supported us in so many ways; from bequeathals to speaking engagements, from helping hands to encouraging words. It all helps us towards our goal of continuing to make a different to the lives of girls and their families in Arunachal Pradesh.