In October, four of our committee members took part in the Roland Holst's annual charity market in HIlversum. The goal was for first year students to choose the charity they would most like to support by raising funds. About nine charities attended, including, WarChild, Voedselbank (Food Bank)

and WWF. In the morning the TB team met with three groups of students at our market stall and told them more about the situation in Lumla and about the girls and their personal stories. We shared Tara Bodong’s achievements and how we can work together to continue supporting our 26 girls. After leaving the charity market, students attended classroom workshops to find out more about three charities of their choice. We are very pleased to say that we had full classrooms, and look forward to getting the support from the Roland Holst students again! All in all it was a very interesting discussion with questions about gender-equality, Lumla Village and what the name Tara Bodong means. Hopefully many students will choose our project and help raise awareness about the importance of creating educational opportunities for ALL girls. In February 2022, we will hear how many students will support our charity and what activities they came up with to raise money for the Foundation.